What are the biggest untruths of which you have been accused? What's the one that hurts the most? How frustrating is it knowing that you can't really stop people from saying what they want about you? Does it bother you, or is it like water off a duck's back?

Ginger Alden: Off the top of my head, that 'I hated touring', 'continued dating an old boyfriend', 'called the National Enquirer'. They all deeply hurt, I'm human, but that seems to have gotten lost somewhere along the way for lack of people getting to know me and what was going on behind closed doors during Elvis and my relationship. I went through a great deal at a very young age. Being engaged to Elvis, put me in a very high position and there was much jealousy (which Elvis warned me about) that I later learned was partly over the time Elvis was spending with me and my family. Others weren't getting to spend as much time with Elvis and there was shuffling of rooms on vacation. People once in rooms or riding in cars next to Elvis were now in hotels or in other cars etc. Knowing the truth has kept me going all these years though and I've felt Elvis with me, every step of the way.

Q: Some people have accused you of two things on the day Elvis died. That you made a phone call to the National Enquirer to inform them of what happened, and that you had taken the time to apply full makeup before the paramedics arrived? Can you set the record straight?

Ginger : It's not some people: it is one person, Dick Grob, an Elvis bodyguard, who started these vicious lies. This is an example of what some will do in an attempt to try to make money when an icon passes away. Fabricate tales of deception and create some sort of conspiracy no matter who it hurts. Google the name Dick Grob and Veterans and you will see the character of this person Elvis had hired. Elvis didn't have a clue who he had working for him. I did not apply makeup nor did I call the National Enquirer. My fiancée had just passed away and I was heartbroken when I found Elvis. Grob's lies were cleared up years back by many people, Bill Burk (Bill E. Burk) from Elvis World and also author Peter Harry Brown who I have a letter from telling me that he spoke with the highest sources at the Enquirer, who did an investigation on their own, and they told him that no phone call ever happened.


Public Relations Officer & Elvis


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