Public Relations Officer & Elvis
Q: Do you remember the first time you became aware of Elvis growing up, was it when your Dad talked about meeting Elvis in the army, or was it before that?
Ginger Alden : I just remember my older siblings having some of his records and my mother also had a few of Elvis' albums which they played on our stereo at home. I also watched some of Elvis' movies on television. He was such a big part of Memphis and his music often played on various radio stations. My mom was quite musically talented, she played a few instruments, including the piano, and I often stood behind her and sang while she played gospel hymns that Elvis had recorded. I was aware of who Elvis was at an early age and I was proud that we shared the same hometown.
Q: Did your Dad talk much about his experiences with Elvis, and if so, what did he say?
Ginger Alden : My dad used to repeat some of his stories about meeting Elvis when he was inducted into the army and being invited along with Elvis and others to the movies in the early 60's. My father spoke highly of Elvis and thought he was a nice person.
Ginger was five years old when her father met Elvis as a Public Relations Officer in the army in Memphis. This is her dad with Elvis